Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just some pictures today

Since I'm slowly recovering from my Haitian Parasite crash diet (effective though not recommended), I am up for posting some photos today and will probably edit my post with more detailed descriptions tomorrow. Most of the scenes are taken from the bus on the way to the hospital. Clicking on the photo will enlarge it.

Here is the exit from baggage claim at the airport. All the men in gray uniforms are porters ready to help with your bags and will require a tip even for just touching your bag. Cure Intl and HAH arranged all our transportation arranged and took care of our bags and tipping. We just had to keep saying, "No, no!"

Here is the gate to which you exit from the airport. Once beyond the gate, it's "every man for himself" so we were cautioned to remain inside the gates until we met our transportation. Thankfully, he was there waiting for us with the bus.

Packing all the stuff in the bus. Thankfully, no one had to ride on top (just kidding!).

Oncoming traffic on the narrow crowded streets.

Some common sites along the way-- note the spray painted cries for help and good bye messages to loved ones.

The following photos were taken by Hasan Syed, MD of LLU who came down during our time at HAH. He got some better shots from the van he was transported in than I could from the overflowing bus.

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