Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This is a piece I did today in honor of a physician assistant who recently passed away.

By John Padgett PA-C, Ph.D.

It was one of those beautiful fall days when we gathered to say goodbye to Ken Gartzke. The mountains surrounding Arvada, Colorado were still green in their early fall foliage, with traces of snow far above. The sun was warm, the day weighing lightly.

Ken was in his casket at the front of the room, flower tributes stating sympathy and farewell. He was dressed in his Army mess dress uniform, his medals appropriate, and a Veteran's Caucus pin on his right breast. He looked peaceful. To his left and right were photographs of Ken at various times in his life, from infancy to shortly before his passing. I particularly liked the one of him as a young child aboard a rearing horse, smiling broadly. The photo of the Usual Suspects of the Veteran's Caucus in Orlando from a few years ago was also on display.

As Vicki and I were in the vestibule awaiting the start of the service, we heard it: the sound of rolling thunder. Up the main street came a formation of dozens of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, their riders and passengers all in colors, the engines emitting their unmistakable rumble. The formation turned into the mortuary parking lot and the riders dismounted and filed respectfully into the chapel to pay their last respects to "Doc" Gartzke.

As Ken was a man of many interests, so were those represented at his funeral. There were family and friends, fellow members of the health care team, veterans, bowling buddies, the motorcycle club, the Elks, and the Caucus. Ken's life touched many people, and it showed.

After the remarks, the mourners filed by Ken's casket. Some of them left little mementos: a motorcycle pin, a patch, a flower, a subdued Army warrant officer pin.

After the service Ken was escorted to the Ft. Logan National Cemetery by a police motorcycle escort, as well as his club's motorcycle escort and the traditional limos and an assortment of pickups and cars.

He was interred on that beautiful early fall day, the mournful sounds of the trumpet carried off by the gentle breeze to the surrounding mountains.

Donations may be made to the Veterans Caucus for the Ken Gartzke Scholarship Fund. (P O Box 362, Danville, PA 17821)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

For a few days, I'll be posting pictures of flowers I've done in the past year or so. I hope you enjoy God's beauty.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wedding Invitation

This is a wedding invitation I was asked to do last fall (names have been changed to protect the privacy of the families). The couple are both members of the US Marine Corps and I took a number of photos of the couple in their dress blues. The bride loved the way the sun reflected off their uniforms in this picture.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thank You for Serving

Today I decided to send a Thank You out to our service men and women deployed around the globe, sacrificing many comforts of home, including life and limb in service to our country.

The above photo montage is a collaborative effort with my "cousin/little sis" who took the photograph of her brother's ship the USS Cleveland. Together, we made the montage with him saluting at his US Naval Academy commissioning ceremony, a photograph I took of the Blue Angels doing the flyover at the opening of the commissioning ceremony, and some words of the Navy Hymn, Eternal Father Strong to Save.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I thought I'd start this blog with some of my favorite photographs of clouds that I've taken. Alfred Steiglitz photographed clouds to express his thoughts and emotions. While not all the following are taken specifically for that purpose, some photographs were, and at the least, show the beauty of the sky from below and above.